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The way we perceive the diet and the choices we make every day have a significant impact on our health and wellbeing.
To be able to see visible effects, people need to understand that proper and healthy eating must not be occasional, but must be integrated into a lifestyle that will ensure overall health and longevity.
No food can bring alone all the nutritional principles the body needs, but only a varied, moderate and balanced diet.
Consume the right foods
The basis of nutrition should be made of foods of plant origin. Vegetables really represent healthy food. And fruits too, but they should be seen as a supplement to diet, especially when there are problems with body weight. The reason is the higher amount of sugars they contain and a higher caloric value.
The minimum amount of vegetables and fruits that should be consumed daily to maintain health is 5 servings (80 grams / serving). From the category of animal food, we should not miss out on dairy products, a valuable source of good quality protein, calcium and other micronutrients, eggs, fish and, to a lesser extent, meat.
What foods don't have to be associated with?The human stomach can not process more than a concentrated meal once. Any food that is not fruit or raw vegetable is a concentrated food. Each food is digested differently and at different speeds due to the high specificity of digestive enzymes. One of the most indigenous combinations is the association of meat products with milk and some dairy products. In contact with the acidity of the gastric juice, the casein protein in the milk precipitates, forming an insulating coating on the meat pieces, which can not be digested.
A proper diet is the one that supplies the amount of nutrients appropriate to personal needs.
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